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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Unspecial Talk

So, the Special One has poured scorn on both Arsene Wenger and the Gunners. Dismissing them as no-hopers and too feeble. Isn't it just cute the way he said the excuse of the team being young doesn't wash anymore?
Well, well, Mr Mourinho, no one gave the excuse about Arsenal players being too young in all the past five, trophyless seasons.Not the players themselves. Not Wenger. Not now. Not in the past. Not ever.

The point must be made that it was cynics, critics and mudslingers like Mourinho himself who have always bandied the "age" thing as the reason why the trophies have dried up.
If Mourinho paused a bit, and listened  more closely to Wenger, the Special One ought to have heard how Wenger had always declared his belief in his team. How he had stood by them through thick and thin. How he had said how confident he was in their ability to deliver trophies.
If the Special One stopped for once and listened to someone else for once - rather than revelling in his own vain vanity - he ought to have heard Wenger say all these years past that he had faith in the players he had.
Not everyone would, or can go the Mourinho-route. Not every manager has the luxury of splashing millions of a benefactor's money on some superstar player. Everywhere he has been; be it Chelsea or Inter, Mourinho has had the benefit of the services of ready-made, finished articles.
Not for him is the hard, thankless route of building, nurturing and nursing.
He hasn't got a patient bone in his body. 
His style has won him trophies and trophies in three leagues, as well as the Holy Grail of the Champions League - twice.
In that, he stands head, shoulders above most respected coaches. For someone so young, he is gifted and cocky enough to realise how good he is. Good on him.
Nonetheless, he ought to have the grace to acknowledge the work of fellow colleagues.
It is not just in winning and winning that greatness alone lies.
Greatnes lies in humility and mutual acknowledgement of others not as lucky as you.
It is also surely not in addressing oneself as Special One.

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